Saturday 18 May 2013




Population growth is one of the problems that many countries have to solve to provide better living conditions for their people.
Write a letter to your English pen friend telling him / her about the population growth in your country and the consequences it may have on education, employment, health, etc.

This is an informal letter.

1- Write an introductory paragraph

Thank your friend for his last letter.
You are glad to hear from him.
You really find it interesting to write to each other about interesting issues.
You enjoyed reading his last letter about school problems in his town / about his hobbies.
You are writing about population growth in your country.

2- Write the main paragraph.

It is true that population growth is a serious problem for many countries.
The higher their birth rate is, the more problems they have to face.
In your country more and more people are getting aware of this problem.
They prefer to have fewer children to have better living conditions.
Unfortunately, in the country side, the family is very often large.
This has terrible consequences on education, employment and health.
Parents find it very expensive to send all their children to school.
The number of illiterate people increases.
This affects the development of the country.
In times of recession (economy crisis), it is difficult to provide jobs for all people.
People struggle to satisfy their basic necessities such as food.
They don't have enough money left to spend on health care, etc.

3- Write a concluding paragraph

Suggest solutions to the problem.
Family planning: women should use contraceptives so as to have fewer children.
The role of NGOs and the media: sensitise people to the negative consequences of population growth .


Which do you prefer, watching TV, listening to the radio, or reading a book?
Write an article for your school magazine justifying your answer.

This is an article. An article can be an opinion article, descriptive, argumentative, cause-effect…

1- Write an introduction

More and more people have TV sets in their homes.
Not many people buy and read books these days.
Each of the TV, the radio. or the book has its own advantages.
You think that the book has more advantages than both TV and radio.

2- Write a paragraph about the advantages of reading books.

It's true that TV is an attractive means of entertainment.
It has both sound and picture.
There are different channels and programmes.
Not all the programmes are interesting.
They are very often imposed on you.
T.V. develops passive viewers.
It prevents communication between members of the family.
A reader has the advantage of choosing the book he likes.
He can take it wherever he goes.
He can read it any time he wants.
He can read it as many times as he wants.
Reading develops vocabulary and improves your writing.
It enriches  your general culture.

3- Write a conclusion

Readers make more efforts than TV viewers or people who prefer to listen to the radio.
But they get more benefits from their reading.


Each student in your school has to contribute with an article to the school magazine.
Write your article about life in home town: noise, pollution, problems of transport etc.

1- Write a short introduction.

Say you are glad to contribute with your article to your school magazine.
Say that a few years ago, life in the city was very attractive. Salé is one of those cities in Morocco that have always attracted people from various villages and small towns.
Say that now many people find it difficult to live in Salé.

2- Write a paragraph give some reasons:

There are more and more cars, buses, lorries....
As a result, there is a lot of pollution everywhere;
There is also too much noise and the streets are overcrowded with people.

3- Write a short conclusion.

Now, you may like to express your opinion.
Where would you like to live ? (in Salé or in a much smaller town / village ?).


People are very much concerned about pollution, population growth, illiteracy and unemployment.
In your opinion what is the most serious problem we are facing today?

1- Write an introduction.

There are more and more problems that people have to face every day.
Some problems are very serious and affect the development of a country.
You think that the most serious problem for your country is illiteracy.

2- Write a paragraph justifying your choice.

More than half of the population in your country is illiterate.
Illiteracy is the source of many other problems.
Most of the illiterate in your country are women.
They can not take care of their children properly
They can not help them with their schooling / homework.
It's difficult for a country to face problems when the majority of its people is illiterate.
It's difficult to implement a birth rate policy.
Illiterate people are not convinced of having few children.
The country spends a lot of money on environmental problems.
People are not aware of their role in keeping their environment clean.

3- Write a conclusion.

Governments should give much attention to education.
They should invest a lot of money and have appropriate policies to achieve good results.
When women are educated they can help educate their children.
Good education can help solve problems of unemployment, pollution and population growth.


Write an article to your school magazine about the disadvantages of having a large family and a few financial resources.

This is an article.

1- Write an introduction.

Today more people are aware of the disadvantages of having a large family.
They prefer to have one or two children and better living conditions.

2- Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of having a large family.

Large families with a few financial resources have a lot of problems.
They don't have good nutrition.
It is very expensive to feed many people appropriately.
They many also have health problems.
It is not easy to prevent illnesses when you have many people in your family.
They may develop serious diseases when there is no money to buy medicine or see a doctor.
Children do not do well at school.
They may leave school at an early age.
It is not easy to help several children with their homework.
Sometimes parents can't find money to buy their children the necessary books.

3- Write a conclusion:

Life is getting very expensive.
It is very difficult find a job.
It's better to have fewer children and have better living conditions.


Last holidays you decided to do some voluntary work to make your neighbourhood clean and beautiful. What did you do ? Write a letter to your English pen friend and say :
What kind of work did you do ? (grow plants, flowers / collect rubbish / paint the walls, etc).
Who took part in the work ?
Who helped you ? (the local authorities ...)
What decisions did you take to keep your neighbourhood nice ?
How did you feel about this experience ?

This is an informal letter.

1- Write an introductory paragraph

Thank your friend for his last letter.
You are glad to hear from him.
You enjoyed reading his last letter.
Tell your English pen friend you are happy to write to him/her.

2- Write the main paragraph.

Say you are going to talk about a recent experience in your neighbourhood.
You took part in some voluntary work to make your neighbourhood clean and beautiful.
Then give more information about what you did to make your neighbourhood clean last holidays.
Say you cleaned the streets, collected rubbish, painted the walls white.
You also grew some plants and flowers.
Say that many people (young and old, and even children) took part in this voluntary work.
Tell your pen friend that the local authorities and a regional environmental association have helped you a lot with your work (they brought you plants and flowers to grow ; they also lent you a few brooms and wheelbarrows to collect rubbish.).
Now, say that you have managed to involve every body in this experience,
Say that your neighbours are now ready to make the place clean and nice.
Say also you and your neighbours feel satisfied and proud of your neighbourhood.

3- Write a concluding paragraph

Say goodbye to your pen friend and tell him / her to answer back soon.



And Blessed Are The Ones Who Care For Their Fellow Men!


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