Thursday, 21 October 2010

When Banks Are the Robbers

When Banks Are the Robbers

Posted on Oct 19, 2010

By Amy Goodman

The big banks that caused the collapse of the global finance market, and received tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded bailouts, have likely been engaging in wholesale fraud against homeowners and the courts. But in a promising development this week, attorneys general from all 50 states announced a bipartisan joint investigation into foreclosure fraud.

Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, GMAC and other big mortgage lenders recently suspended most foreclosure proceedings, following revelations that thousands of their foreclosures were being conducted like “foreclosure mills,” with tens of thousands of legal documents signed by low-level staffers with little or no knowledge of what they were signing.

Then the Obama administration signaled that it was not supporting a foreclosure moratorium. Not long after, Bank of America announced it was restarting its foreclosure operations. GMAC followed suit, and others will likely join in. So much for the voluntary moratorium.

GMAC Mortgage engaged in mass document processing, dubbed “robo-signing.” In several cases, GMAC Mortgage filed documents with courts that were signed by Jeffrey Stephan. Stephan presided over a staff of 12 in suburban Philadelphia. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray filed a lawsuit against GMAC Mortgage, Stephan and the bank that owns GMAC, Ally Financial (itself a subsidiary of General Motors).

According to one report, Stephan received 10,000 mortgage foreclosure documents to process in one month. Based on an eight-hour workday, he would have had to read, verify and sign, in the presence of a notary, about one document per minute. He admitted to signing documents without reading them or checking the facts about homeowners said to be in default. And Stephan was just one of many “robo-signers.”

Recall that GM received $51 billion in taxpayer bailouts; its subsidiary, GMAC, received $16.3 billion; and Ally Financial subsidiary GMAC Mortgage received $1.5 billion as an “incentive payment for home loan modification.”

So you as a taxpayer may have bailed out a bank that is fraudulently foreclosing on you. What recourse do you have?

Back in February 2009, Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur advised homeowners to force lenders to “produce the note.” People facing foreclosure were being taken to court while the bank alleging default couldn’t even prove it owned the mortgage. The mortgage document often had been lost in the tangled web of financial wheeling and dealing. Kaptur told me: “Millions and millions of families are getting foreclosure notices. They don’t have proper legal representation ... possession is nine-tenths of the law; therefore, stay in your property.”

If you stay in your home, your mortgage lender may break in. Nancy Jacobini of Orange County, Fla., was inside her home when she heard an intruder. Thinking she was being burglarized, she called 911. Police determined the intruder was actually someone sent by JPMorgan Chase to change the locks. And Jacobini wasn’t even in foreclosure!

Most banks that suspended foreclosure efforts only did so in 23 states—because it is only in those 23 states that courts actually adjudicate over foreclosure proceedings. One judge who oversees foreclosures is New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Schack. He has made national headlines for rejecting dozens of foreclosure filings. He told “Democracy Now!” news hour, “My job is to do justice ... we run into numerous problems with assignments of mortgages, questionable affidavits of merit and just sloppy paperwork in general.”

Bruce Marks runs NACA, a national nonprofit that helps people avoid foreclosure. He told me: “When President Obama was running for president, he said one of the first things he’ll do is put a moratorium on foreclosures. He never did. He never backed bankruptcy reform so people could have the right to go in front of a bankruptcy judge.”

He went on: “And where is President Obama? When he says, ‘Well, you know, we don’t want to upset the market,’ what is good about a market when someone is foreclosed on and ... you’ve got a vacant building? We have to have a national moratorium to give ourselves a window of opportunity to restructure mortgages ... to look at homeowners as people, not as a commodity to make money.”

According to RealtyTrac, banks repossessed 102,134 properties in September, a home roughly every 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds, banks—many that received funds from the Bush administration’s TARP, and that may be using fraudulent practices—foreclose on an American family’s dream of home ownership. Meanwhile, GMAC Mortgage has reported increased profits for the first half of 2010.

Denis Moynihan contributed research to this column.

Amy Goodman is the host of “Democracy Now!,” a daily international TV/radio news hour airing on more than 800 stations in North America. She is the author of “Breaking the Sound Barrier,” recently released in paperback and now a New York Times best-seller.

French Demonstrations Mark the End of an Era

French Demonstrations Mark the End of an Era

Posted on Oct 20, 2010

By William Pfaff

PARIS—The plethora of unwanted strikes and student and youth unrest in Western Europe is a morbid condition.

Speaking medically, plethora is an overabundance of blood in the body, connected with the choleric temperament that medieval physiology described. The word “colere” means anger, fury, in French. The rest of the Western world has other words to match.

It is not pension claims that are driving the current political uproar. It is popular fury at the people who created the present economic crisis and have been rewarded, with everyone else left to face the consequences.

The demonstrations are obvious nonsense in terms of what they are supposed to be about—early pensions, secure working lives, abundance for all. “The French are bored,” Pierre Viansson-Ponte wrote shortly before all hell indeed broke loose in Paris in the spring of 1968. France soon was no longer bored. To the present day, France’s students and unionized workers have longed to stage something as memorable as May 1968. This is part of the explanation why, today, lycee students (15-18 years old), and even younger pupils from the middle school French “colleges,” have joined their university elders and teachers in these manifestations of outrage.

They have shown that they are contagious and even dangerous (the police dread dealing with juvenile rioters, who can be totally uncontrollable). Launched by minority unions in France, futile gestures of defiance against the Sarkozy government and mainly motivated by internal union politics, these protests have escaped union control, spreading from France to neighboring states, engaging port, refinery and railroad workers, printers, truckers, factory employees, and practically everyone else.

These events of autumn 2010, like those of 1968, mark the end of an era. Those who claim to be the new era’s reformers, or try to perform as reformers, are incapable of escaping the old system’s claims and its moral structure. Money has taken control.

The symbol of this to Americans was the U.S. Supreme Court decision in January (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission) that delivered the American government over to business corporations, all of whose corporate money, including unreported and secret special interest campaign money, is now declared democracy’s free speech, dominating other forms of speech. A quarter of a billion dollars of undeclared money will be spent on the November midterm elections, thanks to the Supreme Court.

Elsewhere in the Western world, the economic role of speculative money is widely recognized, as are the crimes committed in its service, the fortunes of defaulting moneymen that are rescued by taxpayers, and the corporations with foreign, tax-haven headquarters. This is today’s world.

Americans have demonstrated their anger over the result of all of this. But the American way is unique. It is to attack bitterly the liberals and progressive Democrats who have criticized the system all along and want to change it. It is to rally to vote increased power to those who created the crisis, together with the Republican senators and congressmen who voted for it all, and perpetuate the system.

Such is the wonder of American politics, in which only native Americans can recognize the national ideology that says, “Hurrah for the rich who’ve already made it; I’ll make mine tomorrow! Cut taxes for the rich! I’ll be rich one day! Reward the rip-off bankers and brokers of Wall Street—cleverer than the rest of the world—with tripled bonuses! Champion the corporations that not only ship their manufacturing overseas, but send their accounting headquarters there too, so as to be spared the burden of American taxes!” They’re the wise guys!

This is the crisis of the American and British version of capitalism, ruler of the world since Mikhail Gorbachev caused the collapse of communism by trying to reform it. Gorbachev’s party rivals, fearing the consequences, ousted him and brought down his system, with the result that brigands and looters took over.

Americans rejoiced, and decided that it was American capitalism that had “won” the Cold War. And if regulated and rational capitalism could do that, unregulated and irrational capitalism could do even better in looting Western as well as Eastern society, with the consequences being what we have experienced since the new century began. The unregulated Western economic system has demonstrated a moral abandonment and adhesion to greed that shows no sign of ending, whatever the timorous promises made by Barack Obama and David Cameron—leaders of the nations from which this disaster has sprung.

Visit William Pfaff’s website for more on his latest book, “The Irony of Manifest Destiny: The Tragedy of America’s Foreign Policy” (Walker & Co., $25), at