Friday 18 February 2011




There are advantages and disadvantages for a child to grow up in the country or in a city. It's hard to say which is better. Growing up in the country means a certain degree of isolation. You're in a small town or on a farm with few people. In addition, the people you meet everyday tend to be just like you. Most have the same background with you, and go to the same schools with you. In the city, people you meet are all different. People come from different culture backgrounds.
City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot. So, there is not a sense of community in the city like what you have in the country. People in the city can live in the same apartment building for twenty years even without getting to know each other. In the country, however, everybody knows everybody. A child can get lost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to. In the country, everyone is a neighbor, and people feel connected to each other.
A child growing up in the city has a lot of interesting and exciting places to visit. He or she can go to a zoo, museums, art galleries and concerts. There are a lot of restaurants with different kinds of cuisines. It's easy to see new movies that come out. Children in the country don't have a lot of these activities to go to.
To my opinion, a childhood in the city is better because it prepares a child more for what real life is like.


Where is a better place for children to grow up, the countryside or the big city? The answer to this question differs from individual to individual. As far as I am concerned, it is better for children to grow up in a big city.
Some people argue that the countryside is an ideal place for children to grow up. For one thing, it is less polluted than the city. The air is fresh in the countryside. The sky is bluer and the water is clearer. Living in such a place is good to the children's health. For another, as children like playing, only the countryside can offer them a big playground. They can run everywhere, play games in the fields, swim in the river. On the contrary, the city cannot provide such places for children. They can only stay at home and watch TV.
Although I do agree that growing up in the countryside has one or more advantages, I insist that it is far better to choose the city as the right place for children. To begin with, living in the city can broaden children's horizons. They can meet a lot of people and hear a lot of things that will never happen in the countryside.
In addition, a city means more chance to receive better education. In most countries, it is no doubt that the level of education in the city is higher than that of the country. As a result, children can meet better teachers and receive high quality of education in the city.
Last but not least, children can also develop many hobbies in the city. They can learn to play the piano, painting, and dancing, to name a few, which are impossible in the country.
In conclusion, I believe that it is better for children to grow up in the city not only because it can broaden their horizons, but also because they can receive better education and have a chance to develop many hobbies there.


I think that it is better for children to grow up in a big city because living there and getting use to it will prepare them for the real life. Living in the countryside, for instance, in small towns or villages may prevent children from fitting into the society.
As a child born in the countryside (in a small town) I thought life is wonderful and people are always kind as they were in my hometown. When I grew up and I had to think about my further education. The best alternative was to go to study in a language school in a big city fifty kilometers away from my town. The school I chose was a leading institution in the whole country. It was a great opportunity for me to meet new people and to get better education.
I arrived for the school opening day. Everything was absolutely perfect. I met my new classmates and they were great. In a few weeks I understood that life was not as ideal as I thought it was. Students in the school were competing with each other for being the first in everything. It was strange for me and I was drowning in the puddle of cruelty and selfishness. My grades were not as good as these of the other students in my class and at the end of the first semester the headmaster informed me that if I did not improve my grades during the second semester I would be suspended from school.
The idea of being suspended was an unacceptable one. I could not let it happen. I became like my class-fellows - brutal and egotistical. The fight for the first places in the school's rank list was merciless. At the end of the academic year I was ranked number 5 (five) of one thousand students in the school.
Today I am at eleventh grade and I am still one of the best disciples in the school. I realize that now I can afford dreaming. For example, now I want to get a university degree in the United States and I have real chances to be admitted.
However, before I came out from my hometown I did not even think of such fundamental things. It was just an issue regarding the geniuses, not me. But now I can say that I am ready to face the challenges of real life and no difficulties can deter me because this big city taught me how to overcome obstacles and to be one of the best.


Nowadays, technological development is directed to such people-crowded places such as big cities, resulting in significant differences of lifestyles between people living in the town and in the countryside. It is said that big cities are no longer suitable for bringing up children. In my point of view, I strongly agree that children should grow up in the countryside. Being close to nature, children in the countryside are likely to improve both physical and mental behaviors better than those who are in the city. In the rural areas, children are endowed with real nature that affects to the development of children.
First, fresh air in the countryside provides children with good health. Research has it that more and more children in the town nowadays are exposed to allergy on account of pollution from both vehicles and factories. On the other hand, children living far away from any high technologies are liable to be much healthier. Polluted air is a main cause to destroy the health of everybody, especially children.
Another benefit of living in the countryside is that a majority of children spend their free time wisely. After coming back from school or during vacations, most of the city-dwelling children waste their time by watching TV or playing video games. Big cities have limited areas and hardly furnish people in the communities with public places for relaxing such as park and playgrounds. Therefore children in the cities are limited to conducting useless or even harmful activities. In contrast, rural children devote their leisure time playing with others in large open fields or helping their parents look after their cattle. As a result, not only be rural children so strong from everyday exercise, but they also spend their time in a meaningful way by helping their parents do some work.
Finally, children in the countryside may become more considerate man than those who are in the big city. In the cities, there are very high rate of rivalry.


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