Wednesday 26 January 2011




The progress of any community or country depends largely on the conduct1 of the people who reside in it. Discontent, jealousies, préjudices2, and intolerance among a few of the people can cause great damage to the whole community or country.

Gregarious3 by nature, men hate to live in isolation. The urge for association, therefore, enables men to tolerate the views and habits of others, to a great extent. Most men have come to realise that the cohesion of society cannot be secured without the exercise of tolerance on the part of its members.

A community or country is composed of various types of people, whose psychological, social and temperamental4 attitudes and needs are not the same. In a great number of cases, there are fundamental differences even in race, language and religion among the people. These diversities5 in a community or country necessitate the maintenance of a tolerant attitude on the part of the people towards one another. They have to respect the cultural and social habits and beliefs of one another and refrain6 themselves from doing, or saying things which might offend the susceptibilities7 of some people. The racial and religious clashes8 that have occurred in various parts of the world indicate the damage that the expression of hatred9 and prejudice can cause in a country. Even differences in the colour of the skin can cause trouble and violence in a community, and when passions are aroused, men lose their reason and sense of proportion and indulge10 in the most barbaric acts. Innocent lives become the victims of insensate11 cruelty.

That tolerance is essential for peace and harmony in a country could be illustrated by reference to the people in Morocco, a country in which people of various races reside. Despite12 cultural, racial and religious differences among themselves, the people here have lived for generations in peace and harmony. In many cases, there have been inter-religious marriages without mentioning inter-racial marriages between Arabs and Berbers. All communities have helped one another in various ways at various times. In fact, the goodwill that prevails among the different communities here has contributed to the development of a new nation, which has become the envy13 of many neighbouring countries. The religious and racial unity among the people is the main factor that has contributed to the stability and progress of the country in all spheres of life.

Another country that deserves14 mentioning is the United States of America. The people of the melting pot15 nation are made up of a diverse mosaic of religions, races and cultures. Yet, by tolerance, co-operation and goodwill among the people as a whole, it has become the richest country in the world. All this proves what could be achieved by the people of a community or country who exercise tolerance among themselves.


1. Conduct (n)
(Behaviour) conduite
(towards somebody )
(à l'égard de ou avec ou envers quelqu'un)

2. Prejudice (n)
( Preconception) préjugé ,
Parti pris
(Against) (contre)
(In favour of) (en faveur de)
Racial prejudice
Préjugés raciaux

3. Gregarious (adj)

4. Temperamental (adj)
(difference etc) du tempérament
(person) capricieux, fantasque;
(machine) capricieux

5. Diversity (n)
Diversité, variété

6. Refrain (v)
Se retenir, s'abstenir (from doing) (de faire)
To refrain from comment.
S’abstenir de tout commentaire.
He couldn't refrain from smiling .
Il n'a pu s'empêcher de sourire.

7. Susceptibility (n)
Formal use (sensitivity) sensibilité , susceptibilité
To avoid wounding any susceptibilities
Éviter de blesser la susceptibilité de qui que ce soit

8. Clash (n)
(Of colours, styles) discordance ;
(Of opinions) conflit , choc ;
(Of doctrines) opposition ;
(Between people) affrontement ;
(Between mobs) échauffourée

9. Hatred (n)
Haine (of somebody)
(De ou contre quelqu'un)

10. Indulge (v)
To indulge in (activity)
S’adonner à, se livrer à

11. Insensate (adj)
(a) (Insensitive) insensible
(b) (Senseless) insensé

12. Despite (prep)
En dépit de, malgré
Despite what she says.
Quoi qu'elle dise.
I did it despite myself.
Je l'ai fait malgré moi.

13. Envy (n)
(person) envier, porter envie à
I don't envy you.
Je ne t'envie pas.
To envy somebody something
Envier quelque chose à quelqu'un

14. Deserve (n)
(something) mériter;
(praise) être digne de
The idea deserves serious consideration.
Cette idée mérite qu'on y réfléchisse sérieusement.
She deserves better elle mérite mieux que ça.

15. Melting pot
(Act of melting) (of metal)
Fonte , fusion ; (of snow) fonte
Figurative use:
The United States is a melting pot
Les États-Unis sont un creuset ou un melting-pot


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