Monday 7 June 2010



The progress of any community or country depends largely on the

conduct of the people who reside in it. Discontent, jealousies,

prejudices, and intolerance among a few of the people can cause great

damage to the whole community or country.

Sociable by nature, men hate to live in isolation. The urge for

association, therefore, enables men to tolerate the views and habits of

others, to great extent. Most men have come to realise that the cohesion

of society cannot be secured without the exercise of tolerance on the part

of its members.

A community or country is composed of various types of people,

whose psychological social and temperamental attitudes and needs are

not the same. In a great number of cases, there are fundamental

differences even in race, language and religion among the people. This is

the result of the economies and social necessities of the modem age,

which have compelled people to leave their original homes and go to live in other

regions or towns in search for a better life. These diversities in a community or

country necessitate the maintenance of a tolerant attitude on the part of

the people towards one another. They have to respect the cultural and

social habits and beliefs of one another and refrain themselves from

doing, or saying things which might offend other

people. The racial and religious clashes that have occurred in various

parts of the world indicate the damage that the expression of hatred and

prejudice can cause in a country.

That tolerance is essential for peace and harmony within a country could

be illustrated by reference to the people in Morocco, a country in which

people of various creeds and beliefs reside. Despite cultural, racial and religious

differences among themselves, the people here have lived for generations

in peace and harmony. They have also helped one another in various

ways at various times.

In fact, the goodwill that prevails among the different people here in Morocco,

being Arab,Berber or Sahraoui, Muslim or Jew, Black or White, has contributed to the

development of a new nation, which has become the envy of many other Arab, Muslim or

African countries. The racial unity among the people is the main factor that has

contributed to the stability and the progress of the country in all spheres of



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