Saturday 8 May 2010



21) When the firemen arrived, the office building was full of smoke and they had to ___ the building because the door was locked.
A) fall to
B) bring out
C) get off
D) break into
E) hear about

22) The little boy ___ a story about falling into the mud because he knew that his mother would be angry if she knew that he had been playing in it.
A) let down
B) looked into
C) made up
D) ran after
E) threw up

23) In order to avoid any mistakes, students should listen closely for any instruction as the teacher ___ the test.
A) hands out
B) lives on
C) holds off
D) checks out
E) breaks in

24) The movie Mad Max is the story of a young highway patrolman, who becomes a high-speed punisher when his wife and child are ___ by a biker gang.
A) looked out
B) paid off
C) run down
D) tried out
E) worked out

25) It was during the Thirty Years War that the deadly and contagious disease known as the Black Death ___ in Germany.
A) let off
B) stood by
C) turned away
D) broke out
E) put on

26) Haven Copper Company has ___ many ups and downs in its long history, including a devastating fire in 1986.
A) wiped out
B) put forward
C) looked out
D) gone through
E) given up

27) The BBC reported last year that the Wimbledon tennis tournament might be ___ due to the SARS outbreak in Japan.
A) gone against
B) fallen out
C) called off
D) got down
E) come by

28) We had never had a computer before; that's why, we couldn't ___ where to plug in the cables while installing it at home.
A) run into
B) look back on
C) pass away
D) hold off
E) figure out

29) The man in charge ___ my address and phone number and said he would phone back if they found my coat.
A) took down
B) caught on
C) wiped out
D) turned up
E) showed up

30) Just after the accident, the crew of the sinking tanker were ___ by helicopter.
A) given away
B) figured out
C) wound up
D) tried on
E) picked up

31) When I got out of the car, I saw that we had ___ a rabbit.
A) thrown up
B) put aside
C) run over
D) lived on
E) looked out

32) I believe fire-fighters should have been called to ___ the fire in the city centre just after it started.
A) put out
B) catch on
C) come away
D) go over
E) hang up

33) When I heard some strange sounds from outside, I looked through the window to ___ what was going on outside.
A) drop in
B) find out
C) put on
D) look in
E) keep on

34) I couldn't understand the question in the test because I didn't know that "GMT" ___ Greenwich Mean Time.
A) puts forward
B) lives on
C) crosses out
D) comes along
E) stands for

35) I was happy to see that I was ___ by my friends throughout the court case.
A) pulled down
B) let off
C) carried out
D) hung up
E) backed up

36) I knew I could never guess the answer so I ___ and stopped thinking about it.
A) came off
B) got at
C) put across
D) gave in
E) looked in

37) With both my hands full of shopping bags, I tripped and fell down just as I was ___ the bus.
A) drawing back
B) bringing up
C) going for
D) getting off
E) putting down

38) I won't go to school to ___ my history essay as I have got an extension from the professor.
A) pull out
B) hand in
C) rundown
D) pass out
E) layoff

39) We have to ___ for the station at nine o'clock tomorrow not to be late.
A) wear off
B) come before
C) set off
D) call on
E) break away

40) She was able to buy that house after she ___ some money when her grandfather died.
A) handed over
B) heard about
C) got over
D) came into
E) made for


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