Friday 20 February 2009



We can use infinitives to(do) in order (not) to (do), so as (not) do to express purpose.

We came to the countryside to find some peace and quiet.
I went to the music shop to buy the last Eminem CD.
Be careful when handling a knife so as not to /in order not to get injured.
Handle the flowers carefully so as not to / in order not to damage them.

So that, in order that + clause ( often with the verbs can, could, may, might, will would in the clause ).

He is studying very hard this term so that / in order that he will / can / may go to a good university.
I turned off the radio so that/in order that I might / would / could hear what was happening in the street. He chose this University so that /in order that he might / would /could study English.


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