Sunday 21 December 2008


As far as I am concerned, leisure is an essential part of my life because it gives me the chance to relax and recharge my batteries when I am tired. In addition, it helps to get rid of the stress of my studies. For example, in my free time I enjoy myself practising a lot of activities such as watching movies, listening to music, surfing on the net or just sitting by myself meditating.



  1. hello
    yes loubna you're right but on these days all time is free .the prooves are siting for several hours in front of the net chatting or doing sth else such as that you said so in bref i want to say that ;we must find time to studying and doing home work not to relaxing because relaxing is the normal thing
    what are your views .

  2. hi dear Mery
    i agree with you but sometimes we need time to relaxe,have fun,forget the study's routine and have a breath for a well continuation specialy in this year


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